1. Blue Karma Village
  2. Offers
  3. F&B
  4. Value Voucher 500K

Value Voucher 500K


Dine and save 20% OFF at Hiiragi Restaurant by purchasing this voucher today!


Value Voucher IDR 500,000

Terms & Conditions
  • The voucher is valid for dine-in only.
  • Guests must make a reservation before dining and using the voucher.
  • The voucher amount includes service charges and taxes.
  • The voucher cannot be used on public holidays or special occasions.
  • The voucher is valid for 60 days from the purchase date and can only be used once. No extensions are allowed.
  • Guests can use up to 2 vouchers per visit. Splitting the bill is not allowed.
  • The voucher cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts, offers, or vouchers.
  • The voucher cannot be redeemed for cash and will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or expired.
  • No refunds, exchanges, or extensions will be given for the voucher.
  • Guests must present the voucher to the restaurant host before ordering.
  • No change will be given if the purchase is less than the voucher value.
  • Any amount exceeding the voucher value must be paid directly at the restaurant.

You are able to redeem this voucher until 30/12/2025

How to use
Advance reservation is required to use this voucher. A hotel staff will get in touch with you on when you would like to enjoy these benefits.

You can also contact the hotel directly at [email protected] or +62 819-9007-1888 to make a reservation.
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Purchase now and save 20%
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Value Voucher 500K